Who Will You Be On The Other Side?

It’s mid June right now. The days are finally stretching out and you’re in the midst of enjoying every minute of the daylight that luxuriously feels like it stretches forever.

The summer will fly by and all too soon it will be fall. Your college freshman will be leaving home and you’ll be doing the college drop-off. It’s the moment you’ve worked so hard to accomplish. The focus of the last 18 years of your life. A moment to celebrate and a moment when your heart will be breaking in ways you didn’t know were possible. How could this time have gone so fast?

Who will you be on the other side? Has that questioned started to surface for you yet? If it has, has it caught you by surprise? Have you been willing to welcome it or are you swatting it away,  hoping there will be an answer?

You won’t be the person you were 20 years ago. Motherhood changes you. When you look in the mirror, you may not recognize the person looking back at you. You’ll have a lot of questions for her.

Who am I now?

If the me of 20 years ago is gone, how do I find the new version of me?

Who do I want to be now that my entire life isn’t going to be consumed with the logistics of raising kids?

How do I know if I even want to start exploring these questions? (You’ll know because the questions will keep appearing. Perhaps slowly at first and then relentlessly.)

Know that you’re so, so normal for feeling all these things, asking all these questions. Give yourself permission to take the time and space – as much as you want – to be in this place. Noticing. Because the noticing is the beginning of finding your answers.

And then … allow the motion to begin. Remember what it felt like to go through 9 months of pregnancy, excitedly anticipating the moment of meeting this new human for the first time? This is another one of those moments. It’s a new season in your life and another wonderful life adventure.

Start moving forward because that’s how you’re going to find who you’re going to be on the other side. She will surprise you and I guarantee it’s going to be an exciting journey.

Use the time you have in this transition summer to start asking the questions. Choose someone to support and guide you! Someone with wisdom, life experience and tools to help you find the questions you want to ask. I designed Pause-Reflect-Reconnect to do just that and I’ll be here to walk every step of the way with you! You can read more about how we’ll do that together right here.

Start. It’s time to meet the new you and I can’t wait!

xx Jean


Who Will You Be On The Other Side?

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