Is Your Life Empty or Evolving?

You just got home from the college drop off. It was the longest drive or flight of your life. You pulled up to your house, got out of the car, walked to the front door and put the key in the lock. You paused for just a moment, knowing that when you turned the key and opened the door, you were going to find an empty house.

Although launching your kids into their own life was the goal, it takes time for this reality, both for them and you, to really sink in. Give yourself some space to get used to the newness and all the raw feelings. You haven’t done this before! So far you haven’t been able to get beyond wondering if they’ll remember to brush their teeth, set their alarm and actually get up to go to class… they will because … you raised them!

So let’s talk about this transition. It can be bumpy, for sure, for a lot of moms.There’s that tape that keeps playing over and over in your head. Empty nest. Empty nest. It doesn’t have to be your tape. Your nest is just the house you live in. And yes, it’s empty. But that doesn’t mean your life is! What if you reframe “empty” and think of this transition as “evolving”, which is exactly where you’re supposed to be right now? You are evolving!

Your life is made up of many parts. There are kids, … AND … career, other relationships, activities, interests, community … all the other parts that contribute to your life feeling rich and full. Those parts are still there, and they’re going to keep you grounded. Every chapter of life involves growth and evolution, and this chapter can be an opportunity to return to interests you had to set aside for awhile. You can pursue something entirely new that’s been on hold forever, for that someday when there’s more time. What if that time is now?

You’re right on track Mom. If you’re having ups and downs, that’s normal. You’re doing great! And here’s something to think about. You’ll just be getting accustomed to thinking of this as your space, enjoying your new routines, and … they’ll be home for the holidays. That’s another blog post!

xx Jean


Is Your Life Empty or Evolving?


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