When Is The Last Time You Checked In?

No, not with all the other people in your life. We do that automatically. I’m talking about checking in with yourself.

It’s so ingrained in all of us, and part of our job description, to keep track of everyone else’s well-being. But what about yours? When is the last time you paused long enough to ask: how am I doing? How’s my heart? My energy? What am I needing right now? What makes my soul happy? To notice when your life feels full, and when it feels empty. That’s probably not something you do often. Or have ever done? If you do check in with yourself, do you stay still long enough to listen for the answer?

It’s a practice that we have to intentionally incorporate into our life if we want it to happen on a regular basis. It means creating a pause, taking a quiet break from our normal day-to-day autopilot routine. I’ve found it happens most easily on a trip because I’ve literally removed myself from my day-to-day life. A true break. But trips don’t happen every day for me, or you, so what are some other options?

For some, it means a regular writing practice, getting your thoughts down on paper. Words are powerful, especially when we can see them in front of us. Maybe you find that quiet time in a daily walk, or being in nature. Or connecting with a trusted friend. Maybe it’s carving out time to take a pottery class or something else you do with your hands.

Find what feels right for you. What’s the gain? The pause. Asking the questions. Listening for the answers. Only then do we know what direction we want to move toward, and often, that brings up one of the first questions we ask. What’s next? Where am I going?

xx Jean


When Is The Last Time You Checked In?


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