Nothing Changes If You Don’t Start

True fact. Nothing changes if you don’t start.

If I gathered 100 of us together in the same room, I think we would all admit that we desire change of some kind in our lives. That’s assuming we’re being honest, and if we’ve given ourselves even a tiny bit of time to be aware of it. But … even when we’re aware of that desire, of that whisper that says “I wish it could be different”, we don’t take steps to create a change. Maybe because we’re not sold on the belief that you can have many wonderful parts of your life and still want more? Still want to take the next step to find more? That can’t possibly be right …  can it? That thought alone can bring on the guilt, but we’re going to save that topic for another post.

There can be a long space between acknowledging that whisper and actually doing something about it. Why? Maybe it feels like failure to ask for support? Failure because you’re admitting you don’t want to do it alone and want tools and support? That’s not failure. That’s listening to your heart and honoring it enough to take a step toward making it happen instead of just talking or thinking about it. It’s important to have dreaming time in our life, but dreaming and talking about it doesn’t make it happen. Action does. And that’s what I want for all of you!

I coach empty nest women – like you – on how to start. Start the things in your life that are calling to you. Goals, projects, habits you want to change, desires.

To get unstuck and start moving toward the change you want

To shed the sameness you’re feeling in your life

To walk into more

To achieve a goal you’ve committed to for yourself

To change a habit that isn’t serving you …  but you need some accountability to get started

To change your life!

Every single one of us sometimes needs encouragement and support. That includes me. And you. You can learn more about tools and support that can change your life right here. 

Nothing changes if you don’t start! If you continue to do nothing, where will you be six months from now?

xx Jean


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