What Are You Noticing?

How are you doing, Mom? For real. What are you noticing?

College start dates vary, but I’m guessing most of you have done THE drop-off. The one where you drive away without them and there are big tears. The tears you kind of thought might happen, but for some reason hoped they wouldn’t because they’re so soul draining.

It’s a BIG transition. And now there are some things to navigate – new rules, new boundaries, and wondering how often you can text without being annoying, because you want to be the cool mom, not the hovering one. It takes awhile to figure it all out.

So I’m curious to know, now that you’ve had a little bit of time – what ARE you noticing?

Some of the wins that I bet you’re kind of excited about:

Less laundry

A smaller grocery bill and it’s taking less time to do the shopping

A refrigerator that you can actually find things in

Less clean up time in the kitchen

You don’t have to constantly walk around the house turning off lights in every room

A cleaner car

Less time in your car driving to all the things

A completely different pace of life that no longer requires CEO skills to manage your schedule

So what are you going to do with all this time ???  We all do it differently, and here’s your reminder that that’s how it’s supposed to be. Just like when you came home with your new babe – there isn’t a guidebook. Do it your way, in any way and with any timeframe that works for you. You’re doing just fine.

Start by assessing your current status. Are you needing more time in the I’m not ready to move forward yet place? Or, firmly in the I’m definitely ready to move out of this in between place and create some momentum

If you need more time, take it. Full permission granted. If you’re ready to take action, try this:

For right now, today, start small. You don’t have to accomplish world peace this week, although it’s a great goal. Let’s look at the next 30 days.

  1. Set one goal that you want to accomplish. Just one. I recommend something small. Write it down.
  2. Choose one thing you want to change or let go of in your life. Write it down.
  3. Identify one new habit you want to add to your life. Write it down.

Because here’s the deal – if you’re thinking the last 18 years have just flown by, guess what? The next 18 years will go even faster. It’s what happens in our lives right about now.

This is your LIFE! I challenge you to live it for the next 30 days with purpose, curiosity and possibility. It’s a new adventure!

Cheering you on!


P.S. One of the hardest parts about starting anything can be figuring out where or what that starting place is. It can be especially challenging when you’re experiencing a major transition, like the beginning of your empty nest chapter. Without kids at home everything feels different and you’re ready to explore ways to expand your life. Here’s a free tool that can help you with that! Your Empty Nest Project worksheet is designed to ask questions that will get you started thinking about how you want your life to look for the next 20 years. Grab your copy of Your Empty Nest Project worksheet by clicking on this link!











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