
It’s the moment where you start to notice that nothing about your life is the same. It takes a while to sink in. Everything feels different, and … next comes the sense that you’re not happy with where you are. You don’t have clarity about what feels off, what you need or what you want to change … you just know … you want something different.

I started talking about this in last week’s post, and wanted to continue the conversation a bit more this week because this awakening is the start. Moments like this often happen in times of transition throughout our lives, and going from Mom Life to whatever is going to come next for you ranks right up there as a big one.

Why is kid launching a big one? How could it not be? Everything you’ve been doing for the last 18 years is walking out the door. This has been the goal since that babe arrived, was part of the plan, of course, and you’re hopefully giving yourself a big pat on the back for a job well done. Life has flown by in a blur of never ending to-do list, loads of laundry, getting meals on the table and getting everyone to where they were supposed to be.

But now there is, or soon will be, stillness. Quiet. An empty room. Space. Everything about your routine is different. You notice gaps. Gaps? What are gaps? Those spaces in your life that you REALLY want to fill with something because you’re so used to a pace of life that required you to just GO. There was absolutely no time when you were in the midst of life with kids to think about how it felt (other than maybe occasionally acknowledging that you were overwhelmed), how you felt, and it didn’t matter anyway because you just had to get on to the next thing. And so you did. That’s what moms do so well. And now having time to notice feels really … uncomfortable. It’s a new feeling. Am I right?

And so the awakening begins. The exploration. It can really catch you by surprise. Some are understandably frustrated, bewildered and unprepared for it. Overwhelmed by all the feelings and parts that are bumpy and not good.

Others are exhilarated. Curious. Ready to embrace this time with the spirit of adventure, curiosity and possibility!

I want you to be the latter! But truly, you’re going to be all of the above, and that’s exactly how it needs to be. We all experience and process this time differently, which is how the journey begins.

I started with LOTS of reading – personal development books and also eventually found some blogs I resonated with. At the time our daughter went off to college I was in the middle of a teaching career and my fascination with human potential and motivation was growing by leaps and bounds. With time, a few other interests started to emerge. The most surprising to me (and everyone else) was a desire to start climbing! You can read more about that here.

The point – you’re going to find your way and you have permission to do all the exploration you want to. As you start to peel back the layers and discover who you are, reach out for support and encouragement. Because THIS moment is the start of the rest of your life! Are you ready?

Your biggest fan,


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