Let’s Talk About Just Starting

There’s a reason why I named this business You Have To Just Start. I’ve learned a few things along the way about what stops you (or more to the point – me) from starting, and one thing I know for sure, is you have to take that first step to get started.

So let’s talk about some of those things that stop us. Procrastination is one of the big ones for me and I bet it might be for you too.  Why do we procrastinate? Some people suggest it’s laziness. That could be true for some, but I think for most of us it’s fear. Fear of the “what if’s”. What if it’s not the right way? What if it’s not the right choice? What if it fails? What if I disappoint someone. I bet we could come up with a lot of what if’s and if that becomes your goal, it can keep you busy for a long time. And keep you from starting.

Truthfully, most of us aren’t afraid of hard work. Rather, we want to buy into the plan with a guarantee or warranty. If something goes wrong, we can return our plan and somebody will give us a new and better one – with another guarantee. A crystal ball view of the outcome and the promise that it will all turn out that way. I really, really want to know my plan is “right” before I start, and if I do all the steps, I’ll reach the goal.

It doesn’t work that way. At some point, you (and I) have to accept that there is never going to be a guarantee. You can’t know what the outcome is going to be. You have to release that expectation and … JUST START. You have to. Without being able to see the entire path in front of you. Whaaaaat??? I know, I know. But … we say, in protest … if we could just see it, and have that guarantee, we would have the confidence to begin.

The confidence will come once you are ON the path. Not before. You will find your process after you take the first step. Trust that. You can’t sit around and wait for everything to be perfect. You have to just start. It’s the only way.

Want to know what is guaranteed? You just need to have the first step. That’s all. You can adjust course. You can change direction. You can stop, turn around, go back to where you started, and start again. You can ask for help!

I’ve never run a marathon, but I know many marathoners use pacers. Someone who steps in beside them at some point during the race, runs a few miles with them, supports them, hands them a big dose of confidence and motivation, and then steps aside.

That’s the very core of our work together. Even if you have your strategy and plan already in place, it could be that what you really need, is someone to be accountable to. Someone to encourage you and remind you that you CAN do this. Sometimes the support you’re seeking is someone to listen, reflect back and ask questions.

I’m a planner, a strategist and a great pacer. If you want to find out more about how those tools can help you, you can find more information right here. Remember … you’re amazing, you can do this, and you have to just start!

Your biggest fan,





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