I Want To Hear Your Story!

It doesn’t seem possible, but here we are at the beginning of May, which means the end of the school year is approaching quickly. If you have someone graduating, this is a super significant time in your life! A graduation signals a big shift happening in your mama role. A new chapter in your story. A transition of any kind can signal a big shift.

What does that mean? This summer would be a great time to start intentionally exploring YOU. What is your life going to look like in the fall when the house is quiet and all of those parts of your mom job that kept you so busy are no longer required?

If you’re thinking to yourself “I don’t know where to start”, I have some ideas that might help.

Grab a journal or notebook. It doesn’t have to be anything special.

Start with making a written list of what you most want to change in your life. We’re talking brain dump – anything and everything you want to include. You’re not going to be graded, and nobody else has to see it.

Choose three off your list – the ones you want to focus on right now.

List the current obstacles you believe are stopping you from making progress on those three desired changes.

Then ask yourself : what is the smallest step I can take to move forward?

Clarifying your vision of who you are isn’t an exploration you have to do entirely on your own. It can be a team effort and there are some different ways you can go about that. Do you have someone in your life to share your vision with? How many people in your life really know about your dreams and goals? Telling best friends and/or family can be exciting and helpful, but it can also derail you because they have their own definition of who you’re supposed to be. Do they really want to know about the obstacles you’re experiencing? You have to create stillness to really listen to what YOU want. You’ve been so busy being a mom – when is the last time you gave yourself the gift of stillness?

A coach/mentor (that’s me!) can help you explore your vision. Help you unpack where you are right now and where you want to be. Help you create a series of steps to launch you on your way. I’d love to hear your story, hear about what you want to create in your life, and help you get started on your vision! Schedule a free 30 minute Discovery Call.

Your biggest fan,


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