Walking Together Coaching

Motherhood is a journey of ongoing transitions, and one of the biggest comes with the beginning of the empty nest chapter of your life. If you’re there, you know.

Navigating through any of these transitions in motherhood is work that takes you right to your core, redefining and reconnecting to yourself.

Having a guide to walk beside you with 1:1 coaching and mentorship is one of the best investments you can make.

Clients often ask what our coaching sessions look like. Every mom I work with is unique, which means every journey is different.

Together we’ll build a bridge from where you are now to where you want to be.

A bridge that will start you on the path of creating the life you want and vision you hold for your future.

One Of These Might Sound Like You…

  • You might be in that time just before, during or right after your kids are leaving home. It’s one of the biggest transitions and it’s bringing up “stuff”.
  • You might be asking yourself who am I now that my kids have left? What do I want in my life now that I have open space?
  • You might be a midlife mom who sees empty nesting rushing toward you, and you’d love to talk with someone a few steps ahead of you about how you can prepare.
  • You might be noticing changing friendships and don’t have someone in your current circle of support that feels like the one you want to talk to about that.
  • The community of women you’re longing for doesn’t seem to exist right now.
  • Or … maybe you’re already in the empty nesting chapter (referred to around here as the Evolving Nest Chapter) but can’t seem to settle into a new rhythm because, of course, none of this feels familiar.

Where We Start

Start by booking your 30-minute complimentary connection session on Zoom.

If we could, we’d head out for a walk together to do this and then grab a cup of coffee and just sit and chat. Instead, we’ll use this session to:
  • Clarify what you want to gain from coaching.
  • Answer any questions you have.
  • Determine together whether our connection feels like the right match to support you.


Sessions are 60 minutes each and we’ll start with a minimum of 3. Depending on the growth and change you desire, you may choose to continue beyond the initial three. These sessions will be tailored for you.

I’ll provide you with a link to complete your payment, pre-session questionnaire (be sure to allow a bit of time to do this), and schedule your first session.

Investment: $345 USD

“When you invest in yourself, you’re also investing in another mom. In my continuing commitment to support moms globally, 50% of your payment will be donated to establishing a Motherhood Center in Kikuyu, Kenya, in collaboration with Mama Kazaliwa to share matrescence education and support with mothers in that community.”

What This Includes:


A pre-session questionnaire to complete online.


Three 60-minute 1:1 coaching sessions on Zoom.


An ear you can trust to provide deep and undivided listening. I’m here to support, nurture and encourage you. To reflect your own wisdom back to you.


A safe place to voice your struggles, fears, hopes, dreams and epiphanies. Sometimes we need the right ears for our moments of release.


Tools, resources and practices that have been helpful for me. My approach is one of curiosity and a heart-expanding journey of evolution.


Email support between sessions with someone who is walking the same path with you, but just a few steps ahead.

Hello! I’m Jean.

I’m a mom, coach, encourager, listener, supporter, nurturer and an Accredited Mama Rising Facilitator. I’m walking the same journey you are, just a few steps ahead. My definition of who I am changed completely when my daughter left home for college. It was a lightning bolt moment of realization that life was about to be completely different. There was a space opening in my life with exciting opportunities to explore. I spent the next eight years climbing mountains around the world and along the way, redefined who I am.

The vision for You Have To Just Start began during that time, and the realization that when our kids leave home we need reassurance that what we are experiencing is shared by others. We crave community, connection and validation. I came home determined to create that community and to begin working with women (like you!) to empower you to create your life beyond kids. It’s time to focus on what matters – redefining what is possible for you!

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